energy- saving middle pressure centrifugal fan本系列風機采用離心式結構,按外殼及葉輪分CZ鋁合金型及CZ-T冷扎板沖壓型兩種。它具有重量輕、款式新穎,流量大、噪聲
備使用。CZ series adopt the centrifugal structure. Classified by outercasing and impeller, the series can be divided into
two types, CZaluminum alloy type and CZ- T rolling plate stamping type.Featured by light weight, new pattemn, large
air flow and lownoise, this series are used in some industrial devices to blow air,such as smelting, diesel vaporization
heater matching, kitchenequipment, pneumatic compression facilities, industrial boilers,plastics machinery.
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