DT系列柜式離心風機具有高效率、噪聲較低、 結構新穎緊湊、 振動小、重量輕、安裝維護方便等優(yōu)點,廣泛應用于賓館、飯店禮望、影劇院、地下室、廠礦企業(yè)、辦公樓等廚房排油煙及通風換氣。輸送空氣和其它不自燃、 對人體無害、無腐蝕性氣體,氣體內(nèi)不允許有粘性物質(zhì),所含的塵土及硬質(zhì)顆粒物不大于150mg/m',氣體溫度不得超過80"C.
DT series low noise centrifugal fanhas the benefits of high efficiency,low noise, novel compact structure,small vibration, light weight, easymaintenance and install, etc.It can be widely used in hotels,restaurants, cinemas, halls, miningindustries, building to exhaust theair or exhaustthe lampblack.The air transferred shall not containany adhesive material, dust and grainand the concentration shall not exceed150mg/m3, with the temperature nohigher than 80C。
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